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Lecture by Alumni (Session 2023-24)

The Buddha Institute of Technology, Gorakhpur has successfully organized an alumni talk on “Extended Reality (AR, VR, MR, XR)”

Name of Alumni:

1) Abhishek Singh (CSE, Batch-2022, IOT-XR Developer, HCL Technologies)

Objectives of the Event:

• The main purpose of the Alumni Talk was to create an opportunity for the students to get the chance to meet their alumni and interact with them to know their experience regarding their preparation for the placement’s activities.

Outcome of the Event:

• Students get the chance to clear their doubts regarding preparation of placements activities and how to achieve their goal to get the success in life.

Total no. of participants (CSE): 20

Date of Event: 23-Sep-2023

Time: 1:30 PM to 3:30 PM